• Events & Conference Services
  • Venues
  • Merrick Lecture Hall
  • Merrick Lecture Hall

    Merrick Lecture Hall is a partial amphitheater with convex fieldstone walls and seats arranged in three tiered sections. With its small size and intimate seating arrangement, Merrick makes a great location for smaller concerts, recitals, dramatic productions, and lectures.


    Merrick Lecture Hall
    Full day (up to 8 hours)  $1,955
    Extended (greater than 8 hours of usage; not to exceed 10 hours) $2,940

    Want to Book Merrick Lecture Hall?

    We are excited to help you plan and host your next event! To get started, simply complete our Inquiry Form or contact our team at 410.337.6333. We look forward to working with you.

    Inquiry Form